The actor, broadway star and TV celebrity discussed his vacation enthusiastically on the Kris Jenner show, saying what a fabulous time he and his wife Courtney Mazza had in Cancun while staying at the exclusive Villa del Palmar. Guests at the resort witnessed the closeness of the couple as Lopez is caught on camera kissing his wife’s blossoming belly as they await their second child this fall. Their two year old daughter, Gia also joined them, along with Lopez’s sister and her four children.
On the show, Lopez talked about the highlights of his vacation saying that he did the coolest thing he had ever done in his life, “I went swimming with Whale Sharks!” The spectacular tour was organized through a reputable excursion company that offers tours at Villa del Palmar and the star was blown away by the experience saying “I thought when they said we’d go out there that we’d maybe see one or two but there were literally dozens.” The trip is definitely one of the highlights offered by Villa del Palmar, along with a trip to Chichen Itza and Mayan Oracle tour at the El Meco energy site.
The celebrity also entertained Villa del Palmar guests with his sheer presence at the various gourmet restaurants at the five star resort.
Villa del Palmar Cancun have had their luck with celebrities this summer. Actress Lisa Rinna celebrated her birthday at the resort with her daughters this year and was said to be totally impressed with her Penthouse Specialty Residence.